Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sophie Update/Thanksgiving

For the past several weeks, Sophie has been more irritable than before and not her 'normal self.'  We have been working closely with her palliative care nurse and health care team at Children's Memorial Hospital to figure out what might be causing this and to help keep her comfortable.  We have adjusted some medications and made other small changes and she seems to be doing a little better the past few days.
Nurse Jennifer

Sophie has also started music therapy which she loves!  Her music therapist, Rachel, is wonderful and Sophie loves watching her play guitar.

Sophie also had some visitors for Thanksgiving:
Uncle Brad brought his guitar!
Nonnie, Carla, cousin Zoe, Aunt Jenny
Pretty ladies
Sophie loves Zoe's hair
Sophie can't get enough of Brad playing his guitar
Grandpa during his last visit

1 comment:

  1. I am just now getting around to re-reading and responding to the comments that were left on our blog during Miller's journey. Thank you SO much for reaching out to us. I am adding your blog to our blog list and look forward to following along your journey. Sophie is absolutely beautiful! I didn't realize that she and Miller were so close in age! He would have been 8 months old today. Please feel free to contact me if you ever want to talk. From the looks of your blog posts, it appears that y'all have a huge support system, which is so good:)! My email address is I will continue to pray for your family. Keep in touch!
